LOGTECH Advanced
Advanced Program in Logistics & Technology
The Future is now
The Institute for Defense and Business (IDB) offers our Advanced Program in Logistics and Technology (LOGTECH Advanced), a one-week educational and experiential learning opportunity for participants to broaden their perspectives by exposure to what academia and private industry is doing in critical areas including decision making, innovation, data, and global logistics. LOGTECH Advanced participants attend a one-week residency in North Carolina, where they engage in intensive learning and collaboration. The program also focuses on enhancing leadership skills, understanding complex security environments, and fostering critical and creative thinking. This seminar is specialized at the O-4 to O-6 level including Warrant Officers (WO4 to WO5), Senior Non-Commissioned Officers in the grade of E-9, civil service professionals (GS-13 to GS-15), and commercial industry professionals at the Senior Manager and Director level are encouraged to participate. (Master’s degree recommended).
“Top learning experience of my career. Being coupled in a joint environment was perfect.”
~ LOGTECH Advanced Alumnus
Keeping the Curriculum Relevant
To ensure our LOGTECH programs continue to address timely, relevant logistics and technology topics, the IDB meets with the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Sustainment, the military services, private industry, and academia for feedback on program curriculum. They meet as needed to share views on the current and future state of logistics, supporting technologies, and key strategic challenges.