Executive Fellows
Lt Gen Warren D. Berry
USAF (Ret)
USAF (Ret)

USAF (Ret)
Lt Gen Warren Berry is a senior consultant offering insights and solutions to complex executive leadership and strategic logistics challenges in the aviation industry and beyond.
In his most recent position before retiring, Warren was a Deputy Chief of Staff (Executive Vice President equivalent) working at the highest levels of the U.S Air Force in the Pentagon. His portfolio included three diverse functional areas (maintenance/logistics, civil engineering, and force protection), encompassing 280,000 personnel and nearly $40 billion in resource authority and oversight. He was the driving force behind developing a new sustainment strategy and then operationalizing it to bring improved performance / readiness at lower cost. He also fundamentally altered the Air Force’s facility and infrastructure strategic investment processes, substantially improving the health of a $375 billion physical plant. Finally, Warren directed a complete overhaul of security forces training and operations, changing the culture of the defense enterprise by re-focusing the operation on its core mission.
He has served in a host of senior, executive positions for the last 18 years of his almost 35-year career in the U.S. Air Force. Warren has a reputation for his authentic, transformational leadership and his innate ability to deliver results. He has consistently tackled complex, strategic problems and brought solutions that fundamentally improved organizations and enterprise-level processes. He has led the talent management and human capital development of multiple specialties, ensuring people are earnestly and purposefully developed and inspirationally led, allowing them and their organizations to reach their fullest potential.
Warren relishes strategic challenges and the prospect of helping organizations solve their most perplexing, complicated problems. He adds value by consistently bringing critical thought and unique insights to every initiative. He knows how to build collaborative, high functioning teams.
Warren earned a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Notre Dame and has two Masters of Arts degrees in Aviation Management and Operations (Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University) and Military Operational Art and Science (Air Command and Staff College).